Monday, July 18, 2011

A New Start

Beth and I began Rosewilde and Canderley a number of years ago; we were 20 and always dreaming about new things. Life took us in different directions for awhile. We went to separate colleges. Circumstances taught us that we had lots to learn about our goals. I served a religious mission MI, she in GA. We tried to grow up and develop better life skills, have practical jobs, etc. There were lots of great and wonderful changes! But we couldn't give up on that desire to create and imagine. So we're coming back.

The truth is, all these years, we’ve been piling up ideas, and never seeing them accomplished, due to their being too expensive, or because we don’t know who to turn to for help or knowhow. Through this, I’ve developed a sense of self-doubt that is often crippling. But I’m letting them sit and waste no longer! I’m posting them here. And if it benefits your creative pursuits, or if I can point to this and say ‘HERE is what I can really do’, or if I can break out of my private world by sharing it with someone, then so much the better. So it’s all going up! From clothing, costumes, interiors, to whimsy, stories, poetry, anything.

And we’re coming back even better prepared for the fun. We’ve picked up a few things along the way, such as an ever growing international music collection, a bad case of Hinduphilia (is that a word?), and a host of how-to, historical, and inspirational reference books—Thank you Sister, for getting that job in a bookstore! We’ll be wracking our brains for things to study, and ideas for unique DIY projects. And if we can’t put them into practice, maybe you can! Let us know!

On we go!


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