Whirlwind romance. It really happens. One day, it may happen to you. liv-cate offers apologies for her absence, due to the fact that she was very recently married after a brief, four-month courtship. And oh, was it ever fun!
Of course this means that last fall's plans to give directions on sewing your own harlequin patterned items will have to wait until next year. But there are springtime plans in the works! Clothing embellishments in an arborial theme. Work commences on the infinite cookbook as I am forced to set up housekeeping that is economical both in time and materials. beth-claire has also been playing with her food again--she is yet to be seen to follow a recipe with greater than 80% exactness. Many important lessons were learned in the seven weeks given to plan a wedding on a $3000 budget. We'll pass them along in due course, as new jobs and full-time education permit.
See you soon!
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