Monday, March 19, 2012

Hair Adventures

Growing up, I was very…haircut resistant. I think I went without a trim from about 7th to 11th grade. My locks were long and thick and lovely—if a little prone to tangle at the ends. There they stayed until at 21, I got sick of it all. I wanted a new start at life, a new sense of personality. But my long held distaste for scissors stayed in place. I entertained the idea with some inner turmoil for the next few months, until one midnight while browsing styling pictures I realized if I was going to do it, it had to be right that minute. Into the bathroom I went, scissors in hand, and succeeded in shaping a fairly decent bad haircut. And I was content! The turmoil was gone, and I had no choice but to go in and get it fixed.

This is a trend I’ve continued to this day, first giving myself a chance to learn as I scissor my hair a few inches below where I really want it. I can now give a pretty darn good bad haircut. This time I have created some bangs that are easy and attractive enough I thought I’d share directions. They’re a little piecey, a little feathered, and a lot of fun!

These bangs lie best if you’ve had your hair parted on the side. You’ll want to wear them with it that way, anyway. They may also feel too long at first, but should be better once you teach them to fall correctly. If it’s still not enough, try them just a touch shorter next time.

1 – Create a fairly deep side part on each side of the top of your head. Pull the front 2 inches between them forward and the rest of your hair back in a tie/clip.

2 – Lightly dampen the front section. Divide it into 3 horizontal layers. Secure the back 2 out of the way for the moment.

3 – Gather the front section about a half inch below the corner of your eye, on the same side you part your hair. Pinch it tightly just below that mark, and cut right above your fingers in a series of small snips, pulling the scissors lightly away between cuts.
Let the hair fall straight down and even the edges a little. Pull finished section out of the way and secure.

4 – Repeat with the middle and then the back section, gathering and cutting them ¾ - 1 inch further out to the side of the face than the last time, still just below eye level.

5 - You’ll need to blend in the short side of your bangs in by adding a few layers to the front edge of your hair, possibly on the long side, too. Angle them sharply but smoothly down, a little at a time, to avoid cutting too much hair.


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